About BIET

Earn Your Degree Confidently
Since its inception, the group has grown leaps & bounds and achieved exemplary recognition from the Industry & Academia. At BIET, we are committed to provide a value driven culture along with creating a professional environment.
Dedicated towards providing quality professional education through well-accredited courses, Seminars, Conferences, Guest Lectures, Industrial visits and excellent Academic facilities. We believe in an all round development of students with strong foundation based on pillars of knowledge, intellect and values. The programs are structured to keep pace with the present dynamic and globalized scenario meeting the requirement of industry and education. We are dedicated to deliver excellence in our academic programs.
Our Mission
To impart value based quality technical education through innovative teaching and learning methods
To continuously produce employable technical graduates with advanced technical skills to meet the current and future technological needs of the society
To prepare the graduates for higher learning with emphasis on academic and industrial research
Our Vision
To be recognized as a premier institution in offering value based and futuristic quality technical education to meet the technological needs of the society

B.I.E.T. is preparing students to be the top-talent of engineering and technology businesses focusing on developing work place readiness skills. This means that we must prepare students for the real-world with robust skills and knowledge, and ensure their expertise through thorough assessment based on industry related systems.Â
We know this because our students come from industry and also experience great success when they continue their work. This includes careers from leading organizations such as MAS holdings, Dialog Axiata, Sri Lanka Telecom, Mobitel Sri Lanka, Airtel Sri Lanka, Nestle, John Keells, Abans Sri Lanka, Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC, Siemens, Micron Electronics, Otis Elevator Co Pte Ltd, Samsung Electronics and many more.
We use extensive lab equipment and practical sessions rather than theory. Some examples of the implementations include Telecommunication Training System (with Fiber Optics), Antenna Training System, DSP Development on Texas development systems, Embedded systems development on Microelectronic and Arduino based devices, Multisim Simulations, MATLAB implementations, LabView Virtual Instrumentation Systems and more. Some examples of Lab equipment we use are Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Power Meters, Frequency Counters, Digital Multimeters, Digital Probes and more.
In a world where academic standards are becoming frivolous and easily manipulated, we use a complex set of assessments methodologies to ensure students are able to perform in a real-world environment adopting diagnostic, formative and summative assessment techniques such as in-class tests, pre-tests, interviews, guided reading, early feedback sessions, interim reports, continuous assessment based on lab experiments in addition to final examinations, project reports and papers.
Besides well-structured class sizes and lesson plans, B.I.E.T. also adopts Learning Methods at all levels including tutorial to support understanding, revision sessions for all classes, student-led presentations, extra-curricular study requirements and lab sessions where appropriate.
Graduates Hired
Some of the companies that employ our graduates are